Veterans Center
***The Esperanza Veterans Center will be closed for Spring Break starting at 5:00 PM on March 7th and will reopen on March 17th. We look forward to serving you when we return!***
Check your ACES email regularly for communication from the Veterans Center
Please be sure to include your Banner ID in all communications with us.
Spring and Summer 2025
Benefit Certification
Students must request certification of education benefits each semester.
(Please Note: Incomplete or Inaccurate Certification Request Submissions Will Be Declined resulting in delayed processing times and resubmission of requests. Certification of classes taken at other Alamo Colleges is subject to the processing times at the other institution. Parent Letters will be submitted by NVC-VA at time of NVC certification.)
Instructions (Click Options Below):
Montgomery GI Bill® (Chapter 30) - Instructions |
New Students
Continuing Students
Students Stacking VA and Hazlewood Benefits
- Open the VA Enrollment Certification Request Form*.
*Student's who have made changes to their schedule after submitting an enrollment certification request need to submit a Schedule Change Form via email: - Fill out the form completely. Fields containing an asterisk must be filled out.
- Select Chapter 30.
- Select the appropriate Hazlewood if stacking to VA benefit.
- Locate the Supporting Documentation field and click on it to upload your saved forms and supporting documents.
- Sign the form.
- Click the Submit Report button.
CLICK HERE to submit your VA Enrollment Certification Request Form
CLICK HERE to Verify your monthly enrollment using the WAVE system |
If using an iPhone to scan and attach images to the Certification Request Form, please follow these steps to convert images from HEIC to PDF:
Veterans Readiness & Employment (Chapter 31) - Instructions |
New Students & Continuing Students
- Open the VA Enrollment Certification Request Form*.
*Student's who have made changes to their schedule after submitting an enrollment certification request need to submit a Schedule Change Form via email: - Fill out the form completely. Fields containing an asterisk must be filled out.
- Select Chapter 31 and enter the Chapter 31 PO#. This can be obtained from your VR&E Case Manager.
- Locate the Supporting Documentation field and click on it to upload your saved forms and supporting documents.
- Sign the form.
- Click the Submit Report button.
CLICK HERE to submit your VA Enrollment Certification Request Form |
If using an iPhone to scan and attach images to the Certification Request Form, please follow these steps to convert images from HEIC to PDF:
Post-9/11 GI Bill® (Chapter 33) - Instructions |
New Students
Continuing Students
Students Stacking VA and Hazlewood Benefits
- Open the VA Enrollment Certification Request Form*.
*Student's who have made changes to their schedule after submitting an enrollment certification request need to submit a Schedule Change Form via email: - Fill out the form completely. Fields containing an asterisk must be filled out.
- Select Chapter 33.
- Review VA Chapter 33 Terms.
- Select the appropriate Hazlewood if stacking to VA benefit.
- Locate the Supporting Documentation field and click on it to upload your saved forms* and supporting documents*.
*Dependents only need to submit a Certificate of Eligibility, Student Responsibilities Form, and DL along with the enrollment certification request form. - Sign the form.
- Click the Submit Report button.
CLICK HERE to submit your VA Enrollment Certification Request Form
CLICK HERE to Verify your monthly enrollment using the WAVE system |
If using an iPhone to scan and attach images to the Certification Request Form, please follow these steps to convert images from HEIC to PDF:
Dependents Education Assistance Program (Chapter 35) - Instructions |
New Students
Continuing Students
Students Stacking VA and Hazlewood Benefits
- Open the VA Enrollment Certification Request Form*.
*Student's who have made changes to their schedule after submitting an enrollment certification request need to submit a Schedule Change Form via email: - Fill out the form completely. Fields containing an asterisk must be filled out.
- Select Chapter 35 and enter the claim number. This is the Veteran’s SSN.
- Select the appropriate Hazlewood if stacking to VA benefit.
- Locate the Supporting Documentation field and click on it to upload your saved forms and supporting documents.
- Sign the form.
- Click the Submit Report button.
CLICK HERE to submit your VA Enrollment Certification Request Form |
If using an iPhone to scan and attach images to the Certification Request Form, please follow these steps to convert images from HEIC to PDF:
Chapter 1606 - Instructions |
New Students
Continuing Students
Students Stacking VA and Hazlewood Benefits
- Open the VA Enrollment Certification Request Form*
*Student's who have made changes to their schedule after submitting an enrollment certification request need to submit a Schedule Change Form via email: - Fill out the form completely. Fields containing an asterisk must be filled out.
- Select Chapter 1606.
- Review VA Chapter 1606 Terms.
- Select the appropriate Hazlewood if stacking to VA benefit.
- Locate the Supporting Documentation field and click on it to upload your saved forms and supporting documents.
- Sign the form.
- Click the Submit Report button.
CLICK HERE to submit your VA Enrollment Certification Request Form
CLICK HERE to Verify your monthly enrollment using the WAVE system |
If using an iPhone to scan and attach images to the Certification Request Form, please follow these steps to convert images from HEIC to PDF:
Hazlewood – Veteran - Instructions |
New Students
Continuing Students
- Open the VA Enrollment Certification Request Form*.
*Student's who have made changes to their schedule after submitting an enrollment certification request need to submit a Schedule Change Form via email: - Fill out the form completely. Fields containing an asterisk must be filled out.
- Select Hazlewood (Vet/Dep).
- Locate the Supporting Documentation field and click on it to upload your saved forms and supporting documents.
- Sign the form.
- Click the Submit Report button.
CLICK HERE to submit your VA Enrollment Certification Request Form |
If using an iPhone to scan and attach images to the Certification Request Form, please follow these steps to convert images from HEIC to PDF:
Hazlewood – Legacy - Instructions |
New Students
Continuing Students
- Open the VA Enrollment Certification Request Form*.
*Student's who have made changes to their schedule after submitting an enrollment certification request need to submit a Schedule Change Form via email: - Fill out the form completely. Fields containing an asterisk must be filled out.
- Select Hazlewood Legacy.
- Locate the Supporting Documentation field and click on it to upload your saved forms and supporting documents.
- Sign the form.
- Click the Submit Report button.
CLICK HERE to submit your VA Enrollment Certification Request Form |
If using an iPhone to scan and attach images to the Certification Request Form, please follow these steps to convert images from HEIC to PDF:
Hazlewood – Spouse/Child - Instructions |
New Students
Continuing Students
- Open the VA Enrollment Certification Request Form*.
*Student's who have made changes to their schedule after submitting an enrollment certification request need to submit a Schedule Change Form via email: - Fill out the form completely. Fields containing an asterisk must be filled out.
- Select the Hazlewood (Vet/Dep) or Hazlewood Spouse.
- Locate the Supporting Documentation field and click on it to upload your saved forms and supporting documents.
- Sign the form.
- Click the Submit Report button.
CLICK HERE to submit your VA Enrollment Certification Request Form |
If using an iPhone to scan and attach images to the Certification Request Form, please follow these steps to convert images from HEIC to PDF:
About Veterans Center at NVC
Veterans seeking enrollment at Northwest Vista College are encouraged to contact the Department of Veterans Affairs for information regarding specific type of eligibility and extent of educational benefits coverage. Our staff members in the NVC Veterans Center located at the Esperanza Veterans Center can assist students by providing certification of courses and electronically submitting such information to the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Eligible veterans and dependents must declare an educational goal (i.e. follow an approved Northwest Vista College degree plan) in order to be eligible to receive educational benefits from the Department of the Veterans Administration. The VA will only pay for courses in the declared program and any exceptions require compliance with VA guidelines.
Northwest Vista College participates in educational programs provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Northwest Vista College does not engage in high-pressure recruitment, nor do we provide additional compensation for the recruitment of military-connected families. Always confer with your education service office before engaging in any voluntary education activity.
Hours of Operation
Spring Break: March 10th-16th, 2025
Cesar Chavez Day: March 31st, 2025
Easter Holiday: April 18th-20th, 2025
Fiesta Holiday: May 2nd, 2025
Spring 2025 Office Hours:
Monday - Wednesday: 8:00am - 6:00pm
Thursday: 8:00am - 7:00pm
Friday: 1:00pm - 5:00pm
Veteran Benefit Services
Drop-in Services:
- Veterans Affairs Certification
- Hazlewood Application/Renewal
- Schedule Changes
- General Questions
GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at
Title 38 U.S.C. 3679(e) Compliance Statement
In accordance with Title 38 U.S.C. 3679 (e)(1)A&B, this educational institution ensures that it will not prohibit attendance or impose any penalty, including the assessment of late fees, the denial of access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities, or the requirement that a covered individual borrow additional funds, on any covered individual because of the individual's inability to meet his or her financial obligations to the institution due to the delayed disbursement of a payment to be provided by the Secretary under chapter 31, 33, or 35 of this title.
Frequently Asked Questions
These questions may be directed to the VA by calling 1 (888) 442-4551 or by using the National And Regional Contact information listed above. Northwest Vista College provides certification of coursework only, we are not able to provide information regarding eligibility, payment, and other VA services.
- Apply online electronically at completing VONAPP
- Download a PDF version of the application from the VA Web site
- Meet with advising staff in NVC VA Center (Cypress Campus Center # 110)
Chapter 31 Students: Each semester, after registering for classes and prior to payment deadlines, a student must submit a Request for Certification to the NVC Veterans Center in order so that a student can receive his or her payment voucher to be taken to NVC Business Services for payment of tuition and fees. In addition, a current VA Form 28-1905 must be on file so that Veterans Affairs advisors may process a payment voucher and create Books and Supplies Voucher. Students requesting Chapter 31 certification should see an Academic Advisor in the NVC Veterans Center (Cypress Campus Center CCC-110).
Chapter 33 Students: Each semester, after registering for classes and prior to payment deadlines, a student must submit a Request for Certification to NVC Veterans Center in order so a student can receive his or her payment voucher to be taken to NVC Business Services for payment of tuition and fees. Students requesting Chapter 33 certification should see an Academic Advisor in the NVC Veterans Center (Cypress Campus Center CCC-110).
All other Chapters (30, 35, 1606, 1607): Each semester, after registration and confirmation of necessary payments to the College, students may seek certification with an Academic Advisor in the NVC Veterans Center (Cypress Campus Center CCC-110).
It is the student's responsibility to request certification each semester of enrollment and to inform the NVC Veterans Center of any changes (adding, dropping, or switching courses) in enrollment status.
Students seeking supplemental enrollment at Northwest Vista College should seek VA certification in the same manner as described above. Students will be required to provide a Parent Letter from their primary institution at the time of certification.
- VA Form DD214, if separated from the military
- VA Form 28-1905, if using Chapter 31 benefits
- Official transcripts from all previously attended colleges and universities
- Copy of military transcript
- Certificate of Eligibility (COE) letter
Additional Documents no longer required separately as they are a part of the new Enrollment Certification Request Form are as follows:
- Tuition and Fee Deferment Form
- Student Responsibilities Form
- SB 1210
- Hazlewood Application
- Hazlewood Application (Continued Enrollment)
Northwest Vista College will grant academic credit for 4 semester hours of Kinesiology to Veterans who provide an official military transcript that supports successful completion of military basic training.
Students changing their enrollment status after certification are required to notify the NVC Veterans Center immediately. We will then notify the VA by submitting a Notice of Change in Student Status VA Form 22-1999b.
The Veterans Administration may provide educational assistance to qualified veterans under Vocational Rehabilitation Educational Services (Ch 31). Acceptance into this program will permit Northwest Vista College to offer courses for which the VA will pay tuition, fees, textbooks, school supplies, and a living allowance for the student. Every semester of enrollment will require that an approved veteran visit the NVC Veterans Center and participate in the administrative process necessary for the delivery of VA educational benefits.
The Hazlewood Act (Article 2654-B-1) aids veterans who have exhausted all of their VA educational benefits. A legal resident of Texas is exempt from payment of tuition and certain required fees when the applicant meets certain criteria.
Because the bookstore is closed and classes will be online, the bookstore is going to create accounts for Veterans to order books and supplies online through the bookstore website.
To access your VA accounts online, you will need your campus student ID number, as that will be linked to the supply and book voucher.
You will need to place two orders, one for books and one for supplies - as you would do two transactions in the bookstore at the registers
Once you have logged into your specific campus bookstore website you will see a link to shop by student ID:
Enter your student ID, and hit enter. You will be brought to a second page, where you confirm your college and the term.
Once you select “Find Courses”, you will be taken to your list of courses, where you will select which books you are looking to purchase. Make your selections based on the required materials.
Once you have made your selections, proceed to checkout. Create an account using your .edu email address, and confirm your shipping and billing address. Once you get to the payment method screen you will see your payment options. For VA, you will have to select the option for Bookstore Charge Account as seen below:
Once you have selected that, enter your full campus student ID number and select Find accounts. You will see two accounts, one for books, one for supplies. Select the appropriate account.
PLEASE NOTE: You cannot use the full available balance on your textbook account - we place a large limit to ensure it covers all REQUIRED books. If your book total is only $50 you cannot spend the excess. YOU CAN ONLY PURCHASE THE BOOKS LISTED FOR YOUR CLASS.
Before you continue, you must check mark that you understand the terms and conditions of using the VA accounts online for both textbooks: and for supplies:
Once you have checked the box, and clicked “Pay with This” you can finalize and complete your order. You will receive an email with your order confirmation number, and once your order ships, a tracking number will be provided via that email address.
You will repeat the order process for your Supplies account, shopping for the standard supplies, such as pens, pencils, notebooks, highlighters, etc.
The Office of Veterans Affairs assists all eligible veterans obtain financial assistance and information on Veterans Benefits while they attend Northwest Vista College.
Students using VA education and Veterans Readiness & Employment (VR&E)(formerly VocRehab), Hazlewood and Tuition Assistance benefits request certification of benefits through their home campus each semester.
Benefit certification requests should be submitted well in advance of the payment deadlines if the benefit being used will cover all or part of the student's tuition bill.
Note: Students utilizing Chapter 30 and Chapter 1606 must log in to the WAVE online system and verify their enrollment each month on the first day of the month to ensure timely payment of benefit stipend.
Fall 2024 - Summer 2025
Northwest Visa College - Fall 2024
Fall 2023 - Summer 2024
Northwest Visa College - Fall 2023
Questions regarding special tuition charges may be directed to
Military Tuition Assistance (TA)
Veterans Education Benefits (VA)
Military Spouse Financial Assistance (MyCAA)
Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
Scholarship Information