Study Abroad

Earn college credit in a Study Abroad program at the Alamo Colleges

The Alamo Colleges offer students a variety of educational options and opportunities within its course offerings and programs that address student interests and educational goals.  Such options and opportunities come under the heading of Communities of Interest (COI).  COIs are open to all students, though some may require certain academic prerequisites.  International Education is just one of the opportunities that NLC students are encouraged to explore while pursuing educational goals. Studying abroad is an excellent opportunity to participate in International Education. 

What is International Education?

International Education at Northeast Lakeview College exposes students to study abroad opportunities offered by the Alamo Colleges District. Students can study abroad and earn college credit in an international academic environment through faculty-led trips, exchange programs, or affiliate/non-Alamo College programs. Students who are currently enrolled in any of the Alamo Colleges District may participate in a study abroad program. Students must have a minimum GPA of 2.0 in addition to meeting academic requirements and prerequisites of the specific course(s) in the program. Students must also complete at least 12 credit hours by the intended departure date of the program. For more information about International Education opportunities, email or visit the link below.

Alamo Colleges District Office of International Programs


Costa Rica



Northern England/Scotland

South Korea


Other International Education & Study Abroad Resources

NAFSA: Association of International Educators

"Student Diplomat" Video Contest